The pigs keep coming back to the pond where the lotus are planted and now the destructions are all around. Nothing's safe. There are some deep holes and "tunnels"; stems are thrown all around after these mean animals have eaten the roots. It looks like some sampled the seed pods too but then decided to stick with the rhizomes.

There are some other areas that have been visited by wild hogs too. Garden by the creek and a spot by castor bean row are some of them.

These are wild hogs that got trapped and have been kept in a pen. We feed them and also give them away to friends whenever they need ones. The following picture was taken when friends of ours take four pigs out of the pen to butcher. They come by this week and brought us some fresh pork chops and ham steaks in return.

Another friend who likes bow hunting has been visiting regularly and getting one or two pigs and seeing a lot more that he could handle. The war continues.

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