The bluebird eggs have hatched. We are not sure how many babies exactly there are because they're all piled up in the small bird box, and we don't want to disturb them too much. The five eggs were all laid by May 10th (related posting click here).
Tomatillo or husk-tomato (physalis Philadelphica) is in the same family as tomato but different genus. It is commonly cultivated in Mexico and Guatemala. The ripe fruit is like green tomato. We like tomatillo in cold soup, salsa, and sometimes fry it like fried green tomatoes.
May 24th, 2009. The sky and light were gorgeous after rain. We took our 4-wheeler and went round and round the pasture and stopped by the pond before going back to the house. Although the sun was already too low and we missed its golden light, the water drops on lotus leaves were still gleaming and pond surface reflected colors of the sky. So glamorous!
We've been having quite a bit of rain recently thus the soil stays moist in some spots of the garden it spurs the sprouting of mushrooms. Last year I took pictures of several kinds of mushrooms and watched as they developed to different shapes. This year, I've noted two kinds so far, this colony and another one posted HERE, last picture.
American Lotus is going to bloom soon! We purchased the bulb (about 10 inches / 25 cm long) last year and didn't bloom in the first year. This will be its first bloom. Noted about 6 buds has emerged from the water.