Saturday, October 3, 2009

Pea Field and Zinnia Patch Growth

This week has been sunny, humid, but coolish. Mosquitos and bugs have been crazy. Morning temperature has dropped to 50˚F-ish, it was even 48˚F this morning. Finally we could feel fall weather in East Texas! Although we had about 6in of rain about two weeks ago, the ground is somehow still thirsty. Today should be the beginning of yet another wet week and it's sprinkling now even as I upload this post.

Pea field's growth.

Zinnia seedlings

Zinnia seedling trumped by cow survived!
Our neighbor's cows were able to cross the creek
and "visited" our pasture and garden last week.

Purple Angel's Trumpets are blooming
and black walnut tree starts losing its leaves.

Castor beans and pea field.
© Burke's Garden, 2009.

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