Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Angklung - Bamboo Musical Instrument

July 15th, 2009.

Not too far from where we stayed, about 5 - 10 minutes drive (traffic permitting), there's a bamboo musical instrument cultural center, called Saung Angklung Udjo (Udjo's Angklung Pavillion). Here, bamboo musical concert is performed by local children and teenagers. You get to learn how to play the instrument, too. The concert is performed daily at 3.30 pm for about 1.5 hours, admission Rp 80,000 / US$ 8,00.- It's amazing how traditional music instruments can play international numbers like Symphony 40 by Mozart.

The official website of Saung Angklung Udjo (in English) is:
Learn more about angklung, its history and development, and also about the Saung in the website.

The main stage of Saung Angklung Udjo.
Refer to this Youtube video for an insight of the show:

The children dancing performance.

Bamboo musical concert (ARUMBA)
performed by children under 12 years old.

The angklung being distributed to the audiences.

Audiences playing angklung together
lead by the master of ceremony.

Last but not least,
the teenage students of the Saung playing
Symphony No.40 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Refer to this Youtube video for an insight:

and this for a whole Symphony performed at Marriott Hotel, Jakarta:

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