Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Beetle on Mums

Chrysanthemums start showing their flower buds. They will usually bloom by end of May and then in fall. Chrysanthemum is one of the plants that does so well in our garden. We've been transplanting and dividing them and they just take off and mound well. Photo: Mums' foliage, flower buds, and a lady bug.

A group of mums along perimeter of the circle garden. They are either transplanted from other different spots in the garden or, the smaller ones, divisions from bigger plants.

Purchased from all over the place: Walmarts, Bruce Miller, and local nurseries 2 in 2007.

Silver and Gold or ajania pacifica chrysanthemum has attractive foliage. The flowers are small and covers the plants in fall.

Purchased last fall (2008) from Bruce Miller nursery.

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