Thursday, April 23, 2009

Transplanting Succulents

April 22, 2009.

Hen and chicks, Echevaria Subalpina, gets too crowded in a pot. It was bought last year as a single rosette and as big as the one in second picture. In a year it has grown 4 times the size and multiplied, producing 14 chicks! It's time to transplant them and give each more room to grow.

One of the 14 chicks (about 2 in dia.) after separation from the hen and planted in the ground.

Another hen and chicks (name still being searched) that was purchased the same time as the above but overgrown by others in the pot. It has not been growing in size and producing any chicks. Hopefully by transplanting it into the ground it will do better.

The hen (8 in dia.) happy in the pot by itself. Expect it to grow even bigger this year.

Learned that Hen and Chicks (also called "houseleeks") can refer to several genera, i.e. Sempervivum, Echeveria, Jovibarba, which all looks similar with rosette kind of shape. The difference between those genera need to be searched further.

Note from my search (will keep adding the note when I find useful info):
1. Echeveria leaves are more succulent / fatter than Sempervivum.

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